Fathers’ Day Donations?
By Kate | Permalink |Back in May, I made a post about helping publicize a women’s cause for Mothers’ Day; there are lots of organizations which look out for and support women’s rights. In contrast, there really aren’t that many organizations which pursue “men’s rights”.
While it’s tempting to say that men usually have the advantage in societies across the globe and that’s why, there are certainly times when they need an organization to look out for their rights too. The fight against the use of child soldiers – like the campaign recently featured by Human Rights Watch – is one cause that seems more (though not exclusively) related to male children.
The IRC is good about sending out timely reminders come various holidays, so have a look at some of their featured stories as well, and note that you can make a donation and send an e-card in one step online: one father in Afghanistan (he recently returned to his country, along with his family, from Pakistan, where he’d been living for several years) is benefiting from the IRC’s programs there, as is his family; and one IRC representative gets involved in a difficult road trip in Congo (to gather information on the loss of human life in the recent war).
You might also try selecting an organization based on your father’s interests – if he has a soft spot for conservation and nature, there’s Wildlife Direct; if he’s a pooch afficionado, why not Vets Beyond Borders or Kosovo Dog Shelter; if he’s a biker, head on over to 88 Bikes, which I heard about only recently and hope to feature more information on soon.
Happy Fathers’ Day.
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