Geekcorps: Bringing YouTube to developing villages
By peter | Permalink |
The One Laptop Per Child folks may be hogging the press in the push to jump-start technology in developing countries, but their lesser known cousin Geekcorps was there first. Started in 1999 by Ethan Zuckerman, Geekcorps takes trained Information Technology personnel and places them in villages across the world to set up a technology infrastructure and teach technology skills to locals. Their programs also include training on utilizing the Internet to develop small rural businesses and long term one-on-one tech support that’s not routed through Asia.
Supplied with rugged equipment built to withstand sand and water and run on low-electricity, Geekcorps also produces technology equipment with everyday materials and teaches locals how to build and maintain their creations. The “United Nations Information Technology Service and
Voluntary Services Overseas. Many other non-profits have need for volunteer IT support on projects from Hurricane Katrina to a low-income school in your own community. Find other opportunities at Volunteermatch.
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