Volunteer Gear (aka Travel Gear)
By Kate | Permalink |
So you’ve decided to take the plunge and volunteer abroad. Where to start? It’s probably already occurred to you that Bootsnall Travel Network, the host of this very logue might have a resource or two for you. There are of course international air tickets and hostels or perhaps even the round the world guide if you’re going to try to fit your volunteering in with that.
But what you might not know about is the Travel Gear Blog. Updated nearly every day, the Travel Gear Blog features neat stuff that you can buy to make your travels a little easier, warmer/cooler, more comfortable, safer or just generally better….and also sales on that stuff. Whatever reason you’re traveling for, the right gear can mean the difference between traipsing around dragging a bag held together with duct tape and a shoelace and hiking around in style with a comfortable (and cute) pack. Trust me on this.
I’ll lay it on the table: I’m a girl. I’m also routinely without excess spending money. And these are my excuses for knowing next to nothing about travel gear. These are also good reasons why you should visit the Travel Gear Blog for most of your travel gear needs. Much of the gear you need for volunteer travel is exactly the gear you need for travel in general.
From time to time though, if a form of travel gear comes to my attention that seems well-suited to situations volunteers are likely to find themselves in, I will do my best to write about it for you right here. First up is Invisible Armor hand sanitizer.
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