Welcome To The Volunteer Logue
By Kate | Permalink |
Hello and welcome to the Volunteer Logue! I’m Kate, also known as Katie, and I will be your volunteer loguer this evening.
So, I enjoy volunteering for a number of reasons – to connect with others, to observe a hopefully successful project which aims to achieve something beneficial and to see things from perhaps a new perspective. I’ve volunteered at home (in the Chicago area) and abroad, often in the context of shorter ongoing projects while traveling or working. I don’t really volunteer as much as I’d like to, or as much as I maybe “should”, but I still find it intriguing to hear about different projects or remarkable volunteers.
I think a lot of people are interested in volunteering but don’t really know where to start.
I’ve got big plans for the Volunteer Logue: I’d like to create a well-rounded resource for people interested in volunteering and social change in a (mainly though not exclusively) international context.
Included will be:
- profiles of placement organizations as well as local organizations (both those offering specific volunteer positions and those which may not be but still serve as inspiration),
- interviews with and stories about cool volunteers or other interesting individuals,
- links to timely and relevant online news articles connected to volunteering as well as updates about various organizations profiled,
- tips and advice both for and from volunteers, including from some of my own personal experiences,
- links to and profiles of different resources to help you make your volunteer experience and travel the best possible, and
- some “deep thoughts”: different opinions about volunteerism, social issues and ethical dilemmas. Comments, discussion and debate encouraged!
Updating the site nearly every day will be a challenge…but one that I’m definitely up for. And, it’s something I have a little experience with. I’m currently a teacher of English as a foreign language and do a bit of writing about that over at the Bootsnall TEFL Logue.
So, enjoy your dinner of information about volunteering, and please do feel free to leave your tip in the form of a comment. Hope to see you again soon.

Hey Bob! Thanks. Yeah, this is basically my strategy for world domination. Why not?

Hi kate, Great site,
Im have been thinking about becoming a volunteer for awhile, and hope to do something about it towards the end of the year. Having travelled to Bali, indonesia, many times i would like to do something in that region, i was wondering if there is any organisations that you could recommend, or know about.
Thanks for any help.

Hi Leah,
I’m glad you like the site. I don’t know any Indonesian organizations offhand…but www.idealist.org has a gigantic list of organizations and volunteer opportunities, and you can search by country and keyword - I think you can even subscribe to get weekly updates about the country or area you’re interested in.
You may already know about www.baliblog.com ? Bali Blog is another Bootsnall site and the writer lives in Bali, so he might be able to point you in the right direction or offer additional insight when you narrow it down to a few organizations.
I’ll keep it in the corner of my mind and try to let you know if I come across anything - let me know where you end up!

Thanks for that kate, i will check out the site.
Iam a regular reader of baliblog, that is how i found the link for your great site.
many thanks
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Great to see that you are taking over the Blogosphere, Katie. This should be a cool site. Volunteers are my heroes.