"Deep Thoughts"
“Smiling And Suffering”: A Critical Take On Views On Africa From World Hum
Date: July 31st, 2007 |
“For those who look at Africa and see only poverty, I say that your view of the world is narrow and sad.. [I recommend] visiting the place; talking to the people… The real point is that Africa is so much more than the sum of its ills. It is a rich place, humanity-wise.”
These are the [read more]
Does Aid Lead To Economic Growth? Former IMF Economists Say No
Date: July 20th, 2007 |
I was interested to find an article entitled “Economists see aid to poor nations as ineffective”, which reports the findings of two former IMF economists.
I do think this is a topic worthy of serious and also critical thought, and for those reasons I was glad to see the article.
But I also think the topic of [read more]
World Refugee Day - One More Look
Date: June 27th, 2007 |
World Refugee Day was last week, and unfortunately I produced nothing more than this post here at the Volunteer Logue. However, I’ve been holding on to one article for some time now and came across two other relevant links, and this is perhaps the most fitting connection to tie them in:
One is an article [read more]
“Voluntourism”: Not So Black And White
Date: June 19th, 2007 |
The Volunteer Logue recently featured a guest piece on the downside of voluntourism; on the whole, I think author Steve Jackson makes a number of valuable points – many of which I agree with. It is a topic, however, that I have a lot of thoughts on and in short, I don’t believe that [read more]
“Our Man In Granada” On The Downside Of Voluntourism
Date: June 18th, 2007 |
Steve Jackson is a former VSO volunteer (in Vietnam), and a current self-funded volunteer in Nicaragua. He’s also the author of the blog Our Man In Granada.
He took the time to explain his views on some of the problems with voluntourism. While I don’t agree in full (and don’t worry – I’ll explain in [read more]
Has The Media Influenced Your Volunteer Destination?
Date: July 21st, 2007 |
Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) recently launched a campaign to recruit volunteers for its programs in five countries – Eritrea, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nigeria and Mongolia – which may not be able to continue if there is not increased volunteer interest. VSO attributed the decline in volunteer interest in these countries in part to inaccurate [read more]
A Lesson About Less Charismatic Species From Conservation Co. In South Africa
Date: July 8th, 2007 |
During a recent email interview with Conservation Co founders Dayne Davey and Mark Slatter, and an interesting issue came up,which I thought was worthy of a post of its own.
The Conservation Co logo is a tree frog…why? They chose the tree frog in part because until recently, funding, attention and protection was directed at [read more]
The Downside Of Voluntourism: How I Agree
Date: June 19th, 2007 |
The Volunteer Logue recently featured a guest piece by Our Man In Granada – Steve Jackson – on the topic of voluntourism, specifically a look at the downsides of voluntourism. As I mentioned in the introduction to that post, I don’t agree with all of his points, but I think he raises a [read more]
“Voluntourism”: Not So Black And White (2)
Date: June 19th, 2007 |
(Find Part 1 here.)
Focusing mainly on the problems with short term volunteering in contrast to longer term volunteering leaves out what is, I believe, a large piece of the picture: the fact that many, many social problems are not the result of a shortage of skills, and will not be fixed by well meaning foreign [read more]
“Our Man In Granada” On The Downside Of Voluntourism, Part 2
Date: June 18th, 2007 |
(Find the beginning of Steve Jackson’s guest post here.)
“Imagine you spend two weeks as a voluntourist. Say you have no skills but are happy to help build a school and are just as happy to pay for the experience. Fantastic.
But if you’re paying then are you undercutting a local man who might only [read more]
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