"Deep Thoughts"
The Downside Of Volunteers
Date: May 13th, 2007 |I was at first not sure what to make of this rather negative take on volunteers, which essentially says that many people volunteer because they are hard to employ, and others – or those same ones – may enjoy whatever power they come to wield in a volunteer position. As such, not only are [read more]
“The Psychology Of Working For Free”: Volunteers In Congo
Date: April 30th, 2007 | Photo by
I’ve been following the blogs of Wildlife Direct – a non-profit conservation organization which currently works in Congo, supporting local conservation efforts through the use of blogs and also allowing donors to give directly to the cause without taking any administrative fee – and found a recent entry entitled The Psychology of Working [read more]
Food Aid Proposal In The International Herald Tribune
Date: April 22nd, 2007 |While most of us realize that food aid is not as simple as mom sending that unfinished pork chop to Ethiopia, this article in the International Herald Tribune revealed that there is much more to food aid than meets the eye, at least for me. Read the article yourself to get the story from [read more]
Can Too Much Aid Be A Bad Thing? Tsunami Dolls In Thailand
Date: April 9th, 2007 | Can too much aid be a bad thing? In a sense, yes. Here is a true story from the Tsunami Volunteer Center (TVC) – but with a happy ending.
Some may remember that the outpouring of donations after the 2004 tsunami resulted in clothing donations, often much in excess of what locals could ever [read more]
Date: April 3rd, 2007 | One of the many great people I’ve met volunteering was a man who was in charge of mixing natural medicines for a free/low-cost clinic in India. He did the job well and for minimal pay; he was also a good guy and helped me out on a couple of occasions.
The organization that ran the [read more]
Compulsory High School Volunteering Or Community Service?
Date: May 5th, 2007 |Is “forcing” high school students to volunteer as a prerequisite for graduation a good thing? A recent article at World Volunteer Web, about required community service programs in some Canadian provinces, presented a number of interesting points:
Volunteering, literally implies doing something at one’s own free will, “voluntarily”; referring to compulsory community service as volunteering [read more]
Richard Gere And Shilpa Shetty In The News At AIDS Awareness Event
Date: April 28th, 2007 | Richard Gere and Big Brother winner Shilpa Shetty are now facing warrants for their arrest after Gere theatrically kissed Shetty – on the cheek but in a dramatic pose – during an AIDS awareness event in Delhi, India.
The situation made me wonder if Gere did this for the publicity, and either way, more generally, are [read more]
Assigning Responsibility
Date: April 17th, 2007 | Often volunteering happens with the aim of solving a given problem or improving some situation – doing anything more than merely alleviating ill effects often involves making assumptions about what caused the situation; once this is established, you can go about changing things so the problem doesn’t occur again.
It’s quite common in many fields (business, [read more]
US Airment Volunteer To Teach English In Djibouti
Date: April 9th, 2007 |In a program initiated by the US Embassy in Djibouti, US airmen are volunteering in a discussion group with locals who want to practice and improve their English language skills. The airmen dedicate their free time to the discussion group, and note that it gives them a connection to the locals and presumably [read more]
Alternative Spring Break
Date: April 3rd, 2007 |It’s that time of year again – when students around the globe…or in much of North America at least…take a break from studying and jaunt off to all sorts of exotic locations for fun or relaxation or a combination of both. In many ways Spring Break has become associated with drinking, partying and other [read more]
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