General Tips And Advice
Volunteer in Hawaii with WOOF
Date: May 2nd, 2011 |
A vacation to Hawaii is expensive, there’s just no getting around it. Even from west coast cities like Portland Los Angeles, summer deals to Hawaii can be $500 or more just for the flight. Add in pricey hotels, expensive restaurants, car rental and activities, and a trip to Hawaii will cost you big. But [read more]
A rookie’s guide to volunteering
Date: September 17th, 2010 |
I must admit that my volunteering days started as the organizer of a cultural event (“Reading in the City”). It was interesting and downright fun, although the planning did make my weekends go away as fast as they arrived.
Still, that’s not “real volunteering”. Let me be clearer… for me, “real volunteering” means to look [read more]
Holiday Party
Date: October 25th, 2007 |
It won’t do any good for anyone but yourself, but you’re invited to the 2007 Bootsnall Holiday Party on December 1st. It’s a real party, at a real venue (none of this online party stuff) and there’ll be chances to win prizes, meet the staff of this travel blog network and enjoy the company of [read more]
Senior friendly volunteer trips
Date: October 17th, 2007 |
Long-term volunteer travel is typically a young-person’s game. Spending 12 months in India or rural Mexico can be hard on the body and the immune system and the elderly generally steer clear.
But if you’re in good shape and fit in mind, there are many volunteer companies that would love to have your time and [read more]
Five places you can volunteer during (an extended) Thanksgiving
Date: October 10th, 2007 |
The stores may still be stocked for Halloween, but now is the time to start planning that Thanksgiving volunteer trip. You still have time to book most of these trips for the long holiday weekend, but not much.
5 places you can volunteer during (an extended) Thanksgiving
1. Pennsylvania
Make up for some of those Thanksgiving Turkeys that [read more]
What students say about volunteer abroad programs?
Date: February 21st, 2011 |
An increasing number of students who went to volunteer abroad has prompted us to ask them why they go and what they experience while overseas. We found out that each one of them has different goals, interests, and expectations. Some go for fun and adventure, some go to make their resumes look better, and others [read more]
Combine Travel and Volunteering with a Voluntourism Trip
Date: July 1st, 2010 |
Travel, it could be argued, is a selfish act. We want to see the world, experience something outside of our culture, taste foreign flavors, see historic sights, broaden our horizons and enrich our own lives. And so even the most budget-conscious among us spend a fair bit of cash to do so. There’s nothing wrong [read more]
Geekcorps: Bringing YouTube to developing villages
Date: October 22nd, 2007 |
The One Laptop Per Child folks may be hogging the press in the push to jump-start technology in developing countries, but their lesser known cousin Geekcorps was there first. Started in 1999 by Ethan Zuckerman, Geekcorps takes trained Information Technology personnel and places them in villages across the world to set up a technology [read more]
Featured Volunteer resource: Ecovolunteer
Date: October 17th, 2007 |
Looking for a volunteer travel opportunity of a greener sort? Ecovolunteer allows you to travel for a cause and help out some of the world’s endangered animals.
With its easy to navigate and fun to use site, Ecovolunteer puts the causes front and center, allowing interested travelers to sort through their trips, both by destination and [read more]
Volunteer Breakdown
Date: October 10th, 2007 |
There’s no question that volunteer travel has seen a recent surge in popularity, but just how many people are spending their vacation days building schools in developing nations? And who are these volunteers? Do men or women spend donate more time? Is a 54 year-old unmarried doctor more likely to volunteer than a 22 year-old [read more]
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