Wildlife Direct Volunteer Staff And Park Rangers Urgently Need Help To Protect Endangered Gorillas
Date: July 29th, 2007 |
Wildlife Direct provides an innovative response to critical conservation issues in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The non-profit organization facilitates the donation of funds directly to those working on the front lines in different locations in Congo; they also have helped set up and run an ever-expanding series of blogs so that the [read more]
Experience A Refugee Camp At Home, Via MSF
Date: July 28th, 2007 |
Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontiers (MSF) is organizing a refugee camp simulation so those who haven’t had to take shelter at a real one can get some sense of what the experience is like. If you live in Milwaukee, Chicago, Minneapolis, Houston or Dallas, you can visit the exhibit for free.
Visitors are asked to [read more]
Common Ground Health Clinic In New Orleans
Date: July 24th, 2007 |
The Common Ground Community Health Clinic in New Orleans opened a few weeks after Hurricane Katrina hit and today, the mainly volunteer staff provide free care to anyone who needs it, often 40 or 50 people a day. Decreasing barriers to health care is one of the main goals, as the shattered health care [read more]
Has The Media Influenced Your Volunteer Destination?
Date: July 21st, 2007 |
Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) recently launched a campaign to recruit volunteers for its programs in five countries – Eritrea, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nigeria and Mongolia – which may not be able to continue if there is not increased volunteer interest. VSO attributed the decline in volunteer interest in these countries in part to inaccurate [read more]
Does Aid Lead To Economic Growth? Former IMF Economists Say No
Date: July 20th, 2007 |
I was interested to find an article entitled “Economists see aid to poor nations as ineffective”, which reports the findings of two former IMF economists.
I do think this is a topic worthy of serious and also critical thought, and for those reasons I was glad to see the article.
But I also think the topic of [read more]
Volunteers You Should Know About
Date: July 29th, 2007 |
Some volunteers search for the right opportunity – others see a need and respond to it. Conor Grennan is a stellar example of the latter; he started out as a round-the-world traveler and short term volunteer and ended up founding children’s home and NGO Next Generation Nepal.
Wayne Parks is another stellar volunteer of sorts; [read more]
Support The Expansion Of Youth Exchange Programs
Date: July 27th, 2007 |
AFS is an organization that has been organizing and promoting student exchange (not to mention volunteering, community service and hosting opportunities) for sixty years now. It is international in scope as well as non-governmental and non-profit, and describes its mission as helping people “develop the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to create a more [read more]
Photo Exhibition On Human Rights Defenders For PBI 25th Anniversary
Date: July 23rd, 2007 |
Peace Brigades International recruits international volunteers who, when invited, accompany human rights workers in Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Nepal and Indonesia and promote non-violent transformation of conflicts. The volunteers’ presence alerts those who pose a threat to human rights workers that their actions will not go unnoticed. To get an idea of what it [read more]
Change The Truth Fund Update
Date: July 20th, 2007 |
The Change the Truth Fund, which connects donors from the US with St. Mary Keven’s orphanage in Uganda, has been busy.
Change The Truth founder Gloria, a photographer who became familiar with St. Mary Kevin’s orphanage while on a photography workshop in Africa, shares news about the charity on the official Change the Truth website as [read more]
Around The Web On Volunteering: July 14
Date: July 14th, 2007 |
The Volunteer Logue recently reported about a study on which regions of the US volunteer more….see what Forbes has to say about it, and don’t forget Washington DC.
One Canadian student leaves for Nepal for three weeks to volunteer with a program called Leave for Change: check out the blog he is keeping chronicling his time [read more]
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