Global Cool and Bollywood Star Link Up
By Kate | Permalink |
CNN recently reported on another celebrity-cause “marriage”: Global Cool with Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan.
Global Cool is an organization dedicated to spreading the word about reducing the causes of global warming on an individual level. They think that the trend is for people to either see it as “too late” to make a difference or to blame large-scale polluters and governments rather than making an effort to reduce their own impact. Over the next ten years, their goal is to launch a number of educational and entertaining programs and events which aim to empower individuals; as they say, “Industry and governments are ultimately influenced by the demands of their customers and constituents.”
To achieve their aims, Global Cool has joined forces with a variety celebrities who were generally, on their own, already involved in the “carbon reduction journey”, or who have recently taken the initiative to become involved. Global Cool feels “professional communicators” are best equipped to deliver messages to a world audience, and say, “Music, cinema and entertainment have long been global unifiers. Global Cool will utilize the powers of our high profile friends to help us deliver, in an uplifting and positive manner, the information that is right now so utterly crucial.”
A few tips: “Showers use nearly half the water of baths and cost a whole lot less to heat. If you really must take a bath, save energy and share it with a really dirty friend.”
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Can you volunteer? Well, no, not really right now, but you can make a difference by donating or by following a few of the tips for being “cool”. You can also share your opinion here: what do you think of this kind of celebrity – cause alliance?
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