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Doctors Without Borders (MSF)

Posted By Kate On 9th February 2007 @ 05:18 In Organizations | No Comments

home_msf_logo1.gifMedecins Sans Frontiers (MSF) or Doctors Without Borders is definitely one of the best-known non-profits and it’s not surprising why: it’s easy to see the good in providing free or low-cost medical care to those who need it, and to imagine yourself jaunting off to all sorts of exotic locations to help out.

Hold it right there though: MSF organizes doctors who go to conflict zones or otherwise “underserved” countries (over 70 in total) and assists in providing medical care and/or resources. Raising awareness is also high on the agenda. You generally need to be a highly qualified medical professional with a chunk of time to volunteer in the field, though a poke around the website can reveal what you can do from home to help.

For volunteers: “In general, MSF is looking for health professionals, administrators and logistics staff…Logisticians come from a variety of technical backgrounds, such as construction, mechanics and water and sanitation. Logisticians are responsible for the management of stocks, freight, vehicles, communication systems and building or water projects.”

Find out MSF’s top ten most underreported stories, see why MSF is pressuring Novartis to drop its case against India regarding patent law, and decide if you think UN is involved in deceptive humanitarian aid. And finally, stay updated by checking in with MSF podcasts.

Article printed from Volunteer Logue: https://www.volunteerlogue.com

URL to article: https://www.volunteerlogue.com/organizations/doctors-without-borders-msf.html

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