“Beyond Good Intentions”
By Kate | Permalink |
Tori and Eric - the pair behind Beyond Good Intentions - both graduated from university in 2004 and are in the middle of a year-long journey in which they plan to circle the globe with one question in mind: what works in international aid? Neither is a filmmaker by training but both have experience with international aid and a passion for the topic. Their plan is to visit, investigate and document/film different organizations in each of twelve countries to get closer to the answer.
I’ve quoted from an article from the Rancho Santa Fe Review posted on the Beyond Good Intentions website to provide some insight into this project.
Tori, who completed a Master’s Diploma in Refugee Studies from American University in Cairo as a Fulbright Scholar, has been involved in aid in a number of countries. After leaving Africa, she said, “…I first thought that the best thing I could do for the developing world was stay out of it…I didn’t think that I had a place there as a white outsider who came in with the assumption that I knew what I was talking about. But I later changed that impression because I realized that I did have some skills and I also had a really critical eye for aid and I could come in and possibly help reform what’s going on.”
What’s behind the name? “The general assumption is that if you’re trying to help other people, the good intention alone is enough to carry you. But we don’t agree. There’s a lot of good intentions out there, but we think it has to be a little more thought out.”
Though looking for donations, Tori and Eric are funding much of their trip themselves. They plan to donate their camera equipment to the Global Film Initiative when they finish. They are also on the lookout for contacts for organizations in the countries they plan to visit: Colombia, Peru, Argentina, India, Cambodia, Indonesia, Madagascar, Mozambique and South Africa.
I hope to be able to communicate with Tori and Eric so that the Volunteer Logue can find out what they’re up to on a week to week basis. If you have contacts in the countries on their itinerary, or can help out in some other way, contact Tori and Eric through the Beyond Good Intentions site.
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