“Smiling And Suffering”: A Critical Take On Views On Africa From World Hum
By Kate | Permalink |
“For those who look at Africa and see only poverty, I say that your view of the world is narrow and sad.. [I recommend] visiting the place; talking to the people… The real point is that Africa is so much more than the sum of its ills. It is a rich place, humanity-wise.”
These are the words of Frank Bures, who recently wrote Smiles and Suffering: Vanity Fair Does Africa for World Hum (which, while it is not specifically geared towards volunteers, certainly provides a great look at all that awaits you in the world through its well-done travel articles).
Briefly, Dures thinks Vanity Fair’s recent Africa issue presents the continent in the light of the unfortunately common view that it is “a problem to be solved. By us.”
No doubt Africa has problems, Dures writes, however, they won’t be solved by foreigners with a do-good bent, but rather by Africans themselves, and the image of Africa as a continent of misery does a disservice to its people and multitude of vibrant cultures. An insightful commenter points out that, given that many problems in Africa do in fact have roots in the western world, it may be a bit late to say that the west shouldn’t attempt to play any role in the solution of those problems.
I think it’s pretty clear that Dures would not be a proponent of voluntourism, and while I can’t speak authoritatively on every volunteer trip, or frankly on Africa, even a quick glance at what’s on offer indicates that there are many types of organizations and programs. I do also wonder if (some) such trips provide more opportunity for average travelers to actually interact with locals – and see how they address and think about problems – than traveling in part of an exclusive tour group or safari. I don’t think these are the only travel possibilities that exist in reality, but in practice for many I think they are.
Spend a few minutes with Smiling and Suffering yourself and see if it changes your views on Africa and/or aid.
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