Around The Web On Volunteering: February 18
By Kate | Permalink |- Breathe a sigh of relief: if you’d like to provide volunteer services in Lynch, Kentucky, you will not need to pay $20.
- Marie Curie Cancer Care in the UK needs volunteers to staff its collection sites at supermarkets.
- Catch up with the blog of one American who volunteered in Brazil with Cross Cultural Solutions.
- An anonymous donor in Michigan recently provided 300 duffel bags for foster kids, who had used garbage bags to move their things from place to place.
- 64-year-old volunteer Carol Briggs was lucky to survive a carjacking in Kenya, but did not have health insurance. As the medical care has totalled over $21,000, apparently her church and different US banks are accepting donations.
- The Scientology Disaster Relief Team is looking for volunteers to help victims of flooding in Jakarta, Indonesia.
- Some airmen in South Carolina took a day to volunteer around their city: planting trees and generally working towards the improvement of the town.
- Not to be outdone, their neighbor to the north (…North Carolina), or at least the Winston Salem portion of it, is home to a new volunteer matching website called Volunteer Connections.
- Finally, Drake University in Iowa provides a free concert featuring Australian band Jet for students who have volunteered at least ten hours in the last year.
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