Mumbai Workshop For Stray Dog First Aid By “Welfare Of Stray Dogs”
By Kate | Permalink |When was the last time you helped a stray dog? If you’ll be in Mumbai in early June, you can learn how to by taking part in a workshop alongside potential first aid volunteers.
One of the more interesting organizations I’ve come across in person is Welfare of Stray Dogs, based in Mumbai, India. In addition to their organized volunteer projects providing first aid care to stray dogs, they organize and carry out large-scale vaccination and spay/neuter programs, and work on adoptions as well. Clearly this improves quality of life for the dogs affected; it also improves quality of life for Mumbai residents because they are affected by fewer sick and injured strays on the streets.
It also helps people because they care about the animals. A skeptic might ask why there are so many strays if people care and the reality is just that the problem is a complex one and no immediate and simple, practical and humane strategy presents itself. WSD is working on enacting the best long-term solution for both dogs and people – it just takes time. I spent a day with some first aid volunteers back in 2005, and one case that really struck me was one woman who seemed to be living in the median of the road…and caring for a dog. On the day in question the dog had an injury near his ear and she had partly covered him with a sheet to provide shade from the sun. Even in her own challenging personal circumstances, she was taking care of a dog.
One of the other interesting services WSD provides is first aid workshops for potential volunteers and interested dog-lovers. If you’re a dog lover and you’ll be in or around Mumbai in June, have a look at their upcoming seminar:
“A half day S.O.S.workshop for dog lovers on Sunday, June 3, 2007 at 10:30 am at Girgaum.
The topics covered at the First-aid workshop will be:
1) Basic body language for safe handling.
2) How to examine a dog.
3) Recognition of symptoms, identification of canine diseases
4) Handling Emergencies - poisoning, burns, bleeding, acute vomiting and diarrhoea.
5) Basic first Aid: Treatment of wounds, skin disease,eye and ear infections.
This workshop would be interactive with demonstrations wherever appropriate. A dog-lover feels helpless when a stray dog needs medical aid and through the workshop important information on basic first-aid will be imparted so that a trained volunteer or dog-lover can start treatment even before the vet or NGO arrives. The lives of many stray dogs can be saved if they get help before their problems become serious - since stray dogs have less access to medical help than pets.
The workshop is FREE but interested participants need to register.”
Visit WSD’s website for contact information.
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