What Works In International Aid? A “Beyond Good Intentions” Update
By Kate | Permalink |“If you look hard enough, inspiring examples of aid can be found everywhere.”
“Our hope for this film is to encourage others to think critically about international aid and showcase exceptional aid work. Our hope for this journey is to be inspired by the people and the organizations we meet and find an answer to the question – what works in international aid?”
These quotes come from the trailer recently posted by the Beyond Good Intentions team – it gives the background to their film as well as a preview of some of the successful aid organizations they profile. Check out some of the beautiful shots of South America – Peru, Colombia and Argentina to be precise, as well as some India photos – and get ready to be inspired by a Colombian cowboy named Aureliano who started a recycling cooperative in one of Bogota’s poorest slums; today, over 400 previously unemployed people work as collectors thanks to this innovation. Or a Dutch woman who opened a hotel in Cusco to provide income to support street children. Or Ricardo, who began a microcredit program so parents could buy uniforms and school supplies to send their kids to school.
One more new addition is the “how you can help” page. You can help Tori and Eric by:
I’m also very pleased to report that the Volunteer Logue has recently been in contact with the Beyond Good Intentions team and, as their schedule allows, monthly updates are in store for the Volunteer Logue. Stay tuned.
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