Fear Of The Unknown
By Kate | Permalink |It can be hard to take that leap and go volunteer abroad. People often worry not only about the financial cost but also the career cost…but once you’ve overcome those concerns, one big one remains, and it may actually mask itself as worries about cost and career: fear of the unknown.
I really don’t believe “it’s a dangerous world out there”, but the fact is you are taking a leap of faith of sorts when you make a commitment to a cause, place and organization which you haven’t met up close. There have been times when I’ve made a commitment that I later regretted; the trick is in learning, first of all, what you can do to find a good organization, but also, how to make the best of things that don’t go as planned. To some extent, you can read about a location, talk to others who were there, learn the basics of a language, and prepare yourself in other ways…but ultimately Nike hit the nail on the head: just do it.
Here are some resources to help you:
Bootsnall Travel Network: research tickets, locations (via travel stories or the message boards), or insurance. You name, it’s there. - Peace Corps Journals: most useful if you are actually joining the Peace Corps! But even if you’re not, still helpful for finding out what it’s like to live in a developing country and some of the challenges long-term volunteers face.
- Glimpse Magazine: stories from young people studying or volunteering abroad.
- Transitions Abroad: Articles on finding a volunteer program, how to be an effective volunteer, and language study.
Journeywoman: Tips for female travelers.
- How To Live Your Dream Of Volunteering Overseas: There’s a website and a book.
- One world.net: with many country profiles focusing on development, politics, and ngo work.
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