Peace Brigades International: Update
By Kate | Permalink |
Peace Brigades International keeps people on their toes.They provide regular updates and news about their volunteer program and relevent news developments.
If you happen to live in London and are free tonight, you might be able to catch “The moral use of force,” a two-hour talk, at 7pm at St. Ethel Burgas:
“Is it feasible to use nonviolence in every situation or is the greater good sometimes furthered with limited use of force? Bishop David Smith, former Anglican Bishop to the British Armed Forces, in conversation with Simon Barrow, of the Ekklesia think tank, on the limitations and advantages of military force and the conditions in which it may be justified.”
Other PBI news includes an update on human rights in Nepal, the latest PBI Indonesia publication, the plea to help 2000 displaced families in Somalia, and news on the imprisonment of an anti-corruption campaigner in Angola working with Global Witness.
Visit the main PBI site here.
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